Daniel Granato



Professor in Food Science & Health at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Limerick and Coordinator of the taught MSc in Functional Foods and Product Development. Granato has extensive international experience and is part of a board member of journals with the greatest scientific impact in ​​food science and technology. He is currently the Senior Scientific Editor of Food Chemistry, Comprehensive Reviews on Food Science and Food Safety, and Food Chemistry: X, and is on the editorial board of Food Research International, Current Opinion on Food Science, and Molecules. He has supervised more than 120 BSc, MBA, MSc and PhD students. Granato has >15,000 citations and over 280 published scientific articles. His research lines have as his main focus the development of functional foods of plant and animal origin. Functional foods and ingredients, phenolic compounds, food technology (potentially functional teas, bee products, milk and dairy products), and animal-based and cell-based experiments are areas of great interest.