Maria Cinta Ramblado-Minero




Research Interests

 My research focuses on discourses of memory, representation and transitional politics in the Hispanic World (with special emphasis on contemporary Spain). My current research project is centred on two main aspects: demarcation and re-inscription of public spaces (sites of memory), and gendered discourses of memory and contestation of traditional war paradigms.

Key areas:

Memory politics and representation in contemporary Spain.
Women's cultural representation and counter-memory dynamics in Spain and Latin America (Southern Cone).


  Year Publication
2006 Construcciones culturales de la maternidad en España: La madre y la relación madre-hija en la literatura y el cine contemporáneos.
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2006) Construcciones culturales de la maternidad en España: La madre y la relación madre-hija en la literatura y el cine contemporáneos. Alicante (Spain): CEM, Universidad de Alicante. [Details]
2003 Isabel Allende's Self-Writing: Trespassing the Boundaries of Fiction and Autobiography.
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2003) Isabel Allende's Self-Writing: Trespassing the Boundaries of Fiction and Autobiography. : The Edwin Mellen Press. [Details]
2006 Single Motherhood in 20th Century Ireland: Cultural, Historical and Social Essays.
Ramblado-Minero, C; Pérez-Vides, A (2006) Single Motherhood in 20th Century Ireland: Cultural, Historical and Social Essays. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
2016 'Imprisonment Is a Permanent Scar: Women’s Penitentiaries in Francoist Spain'
Ramblado-Minero, M.C. (2016) 'Imprisonment Is a Permanent Scar: Women’s Penitentiaries in Francoist Spain' In: Excavating Memory. Sites of Remembering and Forgetting. Gainesville, Florida, US: University Press of Florida. [Details]
2017 'Buscando el pasado en el presente: Posmemoria y cultural audiovisual en la España contemporánea'
Ramblado-Minero, C (2017) 'Buscando el pasado en el presente: Posmemoria y cultural audiovisual en la España contemporánea' In: Posmemoria de la Guerra Civil y el Franquismo. Narrativas audiovisuales y producciones culturales en el siglo XXI. Granada: Comares. [Details]
2013 'Cine y documentales sobre las mujeres en el franquismo: transmitiendo la memoria en femenino'
Ramblado Minero, M. Cinta (2013) 'Cine y documentales sobre las mujeres en el franquismo: transmitiendo la memoria en femenino' In: Represión, resistencias, memoria: Las mujeres bajo la dictadura franquista. Granada (Spain): Comares (Historia). [Details]
2013 'Locks of Hair/Locks of Shame? Women, Dissidence, and Punishment during Francisco Franco’s Dictatorship'
Ramblado-Minero, M. Cinta (2013) 'Locks of Hair/Locks of Shame? Women, Dissidence, and Punishment during Francisco Franco’s Dictatorship' In: Memory and Cultural History of the Spanish Civil War: Realms of Oblivion. Leiden and Boston: Brill. [Details]
2011 'History, Memory, Fiction: Las trece rosas and Discourses of Recovery in Contemporary Spain'
Ramblado Minero, MC (2011) 'History, Memory, Fiction: Las trece rosas and Discourses of Recovery in Contemporary Spain' In: Constructions of Conflict: Transmitting Memories of the Past in European Historiography, Culture and Media. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Lang. [Details]
2011 'Women and the Transmission of the Republican Legacy in Contemporary Spanish Cinema'
Ramblado Minero, MC (2011) 'Women and the Transmission of the Republican Legacy in Contemporary Spanish Cinema' In: Legacies of War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Portugal and Spain. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Lang. [Details]
2009 'Re-imaginando al Maquis: La guerrilla antifranquista en el cine español contemporáneo'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2009) 'Re-imaginando al Maquis: La guerrilla antifranquista en el cine español contemporáneo' In: Guerra y memoria en la España Contemporánea/War and Memory in Contemporary Spain. Madrid, Spain: Verbum. [Details]
2009 'Compromiso político y memoria clandestina: la reivindicación del pasado republicano en la narrativa actual'
Ramblado Minero, MC (2009) 'Compromiso político y memoria clandestina: la reivindicación del pasado republicano en la narrativa actual' In: Escritoras y compromiso: literatura española e hispanoamericana de los siglos XX y XXI. Madrid: Visor. [Details]
2007 ''Para sobrevivir a mi propio espanto': Las primeras ficciones de Isabel Allende y el conflicto político en América Latina'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2007) ''Para sobrevivir a mi propio espanto': Las primeras ficciones de Isabel Allende y el conflicto político en América Latina' In: Revolucionarias: Conflict and Gender in Latin American Narratives by Women. Oxford & Berlin: Peter Lang. [Details]
2007 'Exclusion and Marginalization of Dissidence in the Novels of the Spanish Guerrilla'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2007) 'Exclusion and Marginalization of Dissidence in the Novels of the Spanish Guerrilla' In: Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th-21st Century. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. [Details]
2006 'Conflictos Generacionales: La relación madre-hija en Un calor tan cercano de Maruja Torres y Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes de Lucía Etxebarria'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2006) 'Conflictos Generacionales: La relación madre-hija en Un calor tan cercano de Maruja Torres y Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes de Lucía Etxebarria' In: Construcciones culturales de la maternidad en España: La madre y la relación madre-hija en la literatura y el cine contemporáneos. Alicante, Spain: Centro de Estudios de la Mujer & Universidad de Alicante. [Details]
2006 'Y a ti te encontré en los libros'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2006) 'Y a ti te encontré en los libros' In: Construcciones culturales de la maternidad en España: La madre y la relación madre-hija en la literatura y el cine contemporáneos. Alicante, Spain: Centro de Estudios de la Mujer & Universidad de Alicante. [Details]
2006 'Kate O'Brien as a Herstorical Writer: The Personal Story of Women'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2006) 'Kate O'Brien as a Herstorical Writer: The Personal Story of Women' In: Back to the Present, Forward to the Past: Irish Writing 1798-1998. Vol. II. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. [Details]
2004 ''A manera de literatura': The Space of the Self in Latin American Women's Writing'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2004) ''A manera de literatura': The Space of the Self in Latin American Women's Writing' In: Literature, Gender, Space. Huelva, Spain: University of Huelva Press. [Details]
2002 'La madre de todas las historias: Representación de la maternidad en la obra de Isabel Allende'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2002) 'La madre de todas las historias: Representación de la maternidad en la obra de Isabel Allende' In: Reflexiones: 60 Essays on Spanish American Women Writers. Eatontown, NJ: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio/Academic Press ENE. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
2018 '‘Democratic credentials and the ‘other(s)’ in the discourse of the Spanish Partido Popular 1977-2015'
Atkison, D. and Ramblado, C. (2018) '‘Democratic credentials and the ‘other(s)’ in the discourse of the Spanish Partido Popular 1977-2015'. Journal Of Language And Politics, [Details]
2011 'Sites of Oblivion in Contemporary Spain'
Ramblado-Minero, M.Cinta (2011) 'Sites of Oblivion in Contemporary Spain'. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 36 (1):29-42 [ULIR Link] [Details]
2008 'The Shadow of the Dissident: Reflections on Francoism in Carlos Ruiz Zafón''s The Shadow of the Wind'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2008) 'The Shadow of the Dissident: Reflections on Francoism in Carlos Ruiz Zafón''s The Shadow of the Wind'. CLUES: A JOURNAL OF DETECTION, 26 (3):70-85 [Details]
2008 'Madres de España / Madres de la anti-España: La mujer republicana y la transmisión de la memoria republicana'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2008) 'Madres de España / Madres de la anti-España: La mujer republicana y la transmisión de la memoria republicana'. ENTELEQUIA: REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINAR, 7 :129-137 [ULIR Link] [Details]
2006 'La isla revolucionaria:El dilema de la identidad cubana en Fresa y chocolate y La nada cotidiana'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2006) 'La isla revolucionaria:El dilema de la identidad cubana en Fresa y chocolate y La nada cotidiana'. Letras Hispanas: Revista De Literatura Y Cultura, 3 (2) [Details]
2004 'Novelas para la recuperación de la memoria histórica'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2004) 'Novelas para la recuperación de la memoria histórica'. LETRAS PENINSULARES, 17 (2-3):361-380 [Details]
2003 'Conflictos Generacionales: La relación madre-hija en Un calor tan cercano de Maruja Torres y Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes de Lucía Etxebarria'
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2003) 'Conflictos Generacionales: La relación madre-hija en Un calor tan cercano de Maruja Torres y Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes de Lucía Etxebarria'. ESPECULO:REVISTA ELECTRON.CUATRIMESTRAL DE ESTUD.LITERA, 23 (*) [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
2007 Contested Memories, War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Culture,
Ramblado, C. (2007) Women and the Transmission of the Republican Legacy in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. [Keynote Address], Contested Memories, War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Culture, University College Dublin / Instituto Cervantes, Dublin, Ireland , 19-OCT-07 - 20-OCT-07 [Details]
2008 Mujeres bajo la dictadura franquista,
Ramblado, C. (2008) Cine y documentales franquistas: la transmisión de la memoria en femenino. [Keynote Address], Mujeres bajo la dictadura franquista, Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Madrid, Spain , 02-DEC-08 - 03-DEC-08 [Details]
2009 La Agonía de la República: Living the Death of an Era,
Ramblado, C. (2009) “Mujer, resistencia, supervivencia: Disidencia femenina en la primera posguerra. [International Refereed Conference], La Agonía de la República: Living the Death of an Era, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland , 13-JUL-09 - 16-JUL-09 [Details]
2012 Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) Annual Conference,
Ramblado, Cinta (2012) “Sites of Memory / Sites of Oblivion in Contemporary Spain: Photographing Horror.”. [International Refereed Conference], Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) Annual Conference, King's College, London, UK , 04-SEP-12 - 06-SEP-12 [Details]
2013 Mujeres jóvenes y compromiso político en la historia contemporánea,
Ramblado, C. (2013) “Memoria, historia y representación: cómo recordar en femenino o el dilema de la tercera generación”. [Keynote Address], Mujeres jóvenes y compromiso político en la historia contemporánea, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain , 19-SEP-13 - 20-SEP-13 [Details]
2013 Feminism on Both Sides of the Atlantic,
Ramblado, C. (2013) The Memory of Horror: Women Representing War. [Invited Lecture], Feminism on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, Spain , 06-FEB-13 - 06-FEB-13 [Details]
2015 Bodies in Transit: Violence, Conflict, Healing,
Ramblado, C. (2015) Violencia política, corporalidad y resistencia: Juana Doña, Lidia Falcón y Lola Canales. [International Refereed Conference], Bodies in Transit: Violence, Conflict, Healing, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain , 08-OCT-15 - 09-OCT-15 [Details]
2015 Encountering Perpetrators of Mass Killings, Political Violence and Genocide,
Ramblado, Cinta (2015) “Y bailaré sobre tu tumba: Dancing on Queipo de Llano’s Grave or How to Deal with Unfinished Pasts”. [International Refereed Conference], Encountering Perpetrators of Mass Killings, Political Violence and Genocide, University of Winchester, Winchester, UK , 01-SEP-15 - 03-SEP-15 [Details]
2015 Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) Annual Conference,
Atkinson, D., Ramblado, C. (2015) ‘‘Españoles and the Partido Popular: the evolution of conservative political discourse in the Spanish State. [International Refereed Conference], Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) Annual Conference, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain , 02-SEP-15 - 04-SEP-15 [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
2002 Im(proper) lives: Transformation of the female subject in contemporary Spanish narrative fiction.
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2002) Im(proper) lives: Transformation of the female subject in contemporary Spanish narrative fiction. Book Review [DOI] [Details]
2003 Allende, Buitrago, Luiselli: Theoretical approaches to the concept of the feminine Bildungsroman.
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2003) Allende, Buitrago, Luiselli: Theoretical approaches to the concept of the feminine Bildungsroman. Book Review [DOI] [Details]
2004 Postmodern paletos: Immigration, democracy, and globalization in Spanish narrative and film, 1950-2000.
Ramblado-Minero, MC (2004) Postmodern paletos: Immigration, democracy, and globalization in Spanish narrative and film, 1950-2000. Book Review [DOI] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2010 Women’s Memory as a Path toward Justice and Peace in Transitioning Democracies Irish Research Council (Research Development Inititative)
2008 IRCHSS Research Fellowship Irish Research Council
2004 Experts Exchange of the Department of Education
2007 Meridiana Award, Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
International Association of Hispanists * 01-APR-05 / 30-DEC-99
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) * 01-JUN-99 / 30-DEC-99
Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) * 01-JUL-03 / 30-DEC-99
Women in Spanish and Portuguese Studies (WISPS) * 04-JAN-99 / 30-APR-02


  Committee Function From / To
Cátedra Memoria Historica del Siglo XX, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Advisory Board member /


  Employer Position From / To
South-Eastern Education and Library Board N.I. Spanish Language Assistant 01-JAN-94 / 31-DEC-95
University of Limerick. Postgraduate tutor 01-JAN-95 / 31-DEC-98
College of Education, University of Limerick. Interpreter 21-MAY-98 / 22-MAY-98


  Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Fluent Fluent Fluent

Teaching Interests

Spanish language and literature, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature.
SP4003 Socio-Political ISsues in the Contemporary Hispanic World
SP4628 Women's Narratives of Resistance
CU6031 Cultural Constructions of the Past