Book Chapter Details
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Malcolm, A
2011 Unknown
Power in History: From the Medieval to the Post-Modern World , ed. by Anthony McElligott, Liam Chambers, Ciara Breathnach and Catherine Lawless (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011)
‘Serving the King at Home and Abroad: The Tangier Garrison under Charles II, 1662-1684’
Irish Academic Press
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Charles II Tangier Seventeenth Century Pepys
A study of the British colony in Tangier, and of its garrison of Irish and English soldiers. The chapter argues that the abandonment and demolition of Tangier in 1683-4 was not the result of the colony's unviability or indefensibility. Rather, it was a consequence of the need of Charles II and his brother James duke of York for a battle-hardened army to defend Stuart interests against their domestic political enemies.
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