Conference Publication Details
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Mahdi, A.E.; Joorabchi, A.
Intl. Conf. On Digital Enterprise and Information Systems - DEIS 2011
Automatic Subject Classification of Scientific Literature Using Citation Metadata
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Digital library organization, scientific literature classification, library classification schemes, Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), library Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs).
London, UK
This paper describes a new method for automatic classification of
scientific literature archived in digital libraries and repositories according to a
standard library classification scheme. The method is based on identifying all
the references cited in the document to be classified and, using the subject
classification metadata of extracted references as catalogued in existing
conventional libraries, inferring the most probable class for the document itself
with the help of a weighting mechanism. We have demonstrated the application
of the proposed method and assessed its performance by developing a prototype software system for automatic classification of scientific documents according  to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) scheme. A dataset of one thousand  research articles, papers, and reports from a well-known scientific digital  library, CiteSeer, were used to evaluate the classification performance of the system. Detailed results of this experiment are presented and discussed.
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