Conference Publication Details
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Triona Hourigan and Ann Marcus-Quinn
Integrating a digital portfolio into Junior Cycle French: a case study from the Republic of Ireland
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This presentation discusses the introduction of a digital portfolio tool, SeeSaw, ( into a post-primary French language classroom in the Republic of Ireland. This Action Research study was undertaken in order to examine the potential impact of this digital tool on a group of students during their first year of French language education. This study examines how the students exploited and interacted with Seesaw for specific written and oral language tasks and presents a number of considerations with regard to the optimum manner in which to integrate a digital portfolio. Furthermore, this presentation includes practical considerations with regard to implementing Seesaw as part of whole group classroom tasks and also its exploitation for creative and deeply personalised learning activities. The presentation also discusses the emergence of two distinct student roles during this process: namely “Content Creator” and “Content Curator” roles. Specific examples from the data wil highlight these personalised spaces inhabited by the students. Furthermore, this paper shall take into account the many challenges which currently exist for teachers and practitioners who wish to use technology in Irish classrooms. The paper concludes by providing a number of considerations with regard to developing an effective pedagogical approach when integrating a digital portfolio for language learning purposes. 
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