Conference Publication Details
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Huang L.;Zhang H.;Richardson I.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
Guest editors' introduction
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Evolving process drivers ICSSP 2014 Industry-focused research
LiGuo Huang, He Zhang, and Ita Richardson introduce the Special Issue of the Journal of Software Evolution and Process. Papers were selected from the International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP). 2014. There were 55 submissions to the conference. After a rigorous review process, 23 papers were accepted for the proceedings of the ICSSP 2014 including 12 full papers and 11 short papers. Following the conference, the editors ranked the accepted full papers based on their reviews and sent invitations to authors of five papers to expand and submit their papers for consideration in the special issue. M. Raza and J. P. Faria, in their paper 'A Model for Analyzing Performance Problems and Root Causes in the Personal Software Process', propose a comprehensive performance model, addressing time estimation accuracy, quality, and productivity, to enable the automated (tool based) analysis of performance data produced by Personal Software Process developers. X. Liu, D. Wang, D. Yuan, F. Wang, Y/ Yang, in their paper 'Workflow Temporal Verification for Monitoring ParallelBusiness Processes', proposes a quality of serviceaware throughput based checkpoint selection strategy.
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