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de Gallaí B.;Comyns T.;Cahalan R.
Complete Irish Dancer: Optimization Of Health And Performance In Irish Dancers
The older Irish dancer: Maintaining a long and healthy career
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Irish dancing (ID) in the modern competitive era was traditionally the remit of the younger dancer. Subsequent professionalism of ID then allowed dancers to extend their careers into their late 20s or early 30s. However, recent years has seen the emergence of a new and older cohort of Irish dancer, who dance competitively or for pleasure and fitness. These dancers of middle age and beyond, are growing in numbers, particularly in mainland Europe and North America where feiseanna (competitions) for older dancers are plentiful. ID offers a plethora of health benefits for these individuals including supporting a healthy musculoskeletal system and mediating against age-related chronic disease. However, for individuals new to ID or returning to it after a prolonged absence, care must be taken to ensure a gradual and safe acclimatization to the activity. Strategies to support healthy ID in older persons, as well as the associated health benefits are explored in this chapter. Another emerging cohort of older Irish dancer is the virtuosic Irish dancer. Fewer in number, these dancers are often pioneers for the development of the genre, as their years of dance and life experience inform and inspire new creations and dance directions. This chapter features the personal reflections and experiences of one such dancer.
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